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Leadership Team

Marketing Coordinator

Estimated Time Commitment: 5 hours/week

  • Report to the Executive Director.

  • Developing and implementing marketing strategies and campaigns. 

  • Regularly create and publish brand-aligned content and manage communication on all Shadow Your Future social media pages (primarily Instagram and LinkedIn). 

  • Collect testimonials from professionals and students for marketing purposes.

  • Attend team meetings.

Professional Outreach Coordinator

Estimated Time Commitment: 5 hours/week

  • Report to Director of Professional Outreach. 

  • Expand Shadow Your Future’s network of professionals, includes frequent cold calling and cold emailing.

  • Communicate with professionals regarding upcoming opportunities through LinkedIn and Outlook.

  • Keep track of internal documents corresponding to your department. 

  • Write meeting notes at department meetings.

  • Maintain task lists for the Professional Outreach department.

  • Attend team meetings.

Expansion Team

If you are interested in helping further Shadow Your Future's mission, you can become a school liaison or school chapter president.

School Liaison

Estimated Time Commitment: 2 hours/month

  • Communicate with a teacher, counselor, or faculty member as needed to send an email blast to your school at the beginning of the school year and before every major break.

  • Repost relevant Shadow Your Future content on social media, spread information about our program through word-of-mouth, and/or seek permission to hang posters at your school or local library.

  • Occasionally review applications from students at your school.

  • Recruit a younger student at your school to take on the role of liaison as you approach graduation. 

School Chapter President

Estimated Time Commitment: 2 hours/week

  • Retain all responsibilities of school liaison (listed on the left).

  • Recruit other students interested in promoting Shadow Your Future’s mission.

  • Manage student efforts in marketing and outreach.

  • Host fundraisers. Ensure profits are sent to Shadow Your Future’s executive team.

  • Create and manage social media accounts for your chapter. 

  • Complete biannual reports. 

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