Leadership Team
Marketing Coordinator
Estimated Time Commitment: 5 hours/week
Report to the Executive Director.
Developing and implementing marketing strategies and campaigns.
Regularly create and publish brand-aligned content and manage communication on all Shadow Your Future social media pages (primarily Instagram and LinkedIn).
Collect testimonials from professionals and students for marketing purposes.
Attend team meetings.
Professional Outreach Coordinator
Estimated Time Commitment: 5 hours/week
Report to Director of Professional Outreach.
Expand Shadow Your Future’s network of professionals, includes frequent cold calling and cold emailing.
Communicate with professionals regarding upcoming opportunities through LinkedIn and Outlook.
Keep track of internal documents corresponding to your department.
Write meeting notes at department meetings.
Maintain task lists for the Professional Outreach department.
Attend team meetings.
Expansion Team
If you are interested in helping further Shadow Your Future's mission, you can become a school liaison or school chapter president.
School Liaison
Estimated Time Commitment: 2 hours/month
Communicate with a teacher, counselor, or faculty member as needed to send an email blast to your school at the beginning of the school year and before every major break.
Repost relevant Shadow Your Future content on social media, spread information about our program through word-of-mouth, and/or seek permission to hang posters at your school or local library.
Occasionally review applications from students at your school.
Recruit a younger student at your school to take on the role of liaison as you approach graduation.
School Chapter President
Estimated Time Commitment: 2 hours/week
Retain all responsibilities of school liaison (listed on the left).
Recruit other students interested in promoting Shadow Your Future’s mission.
Manage student efforts in marketing and outreach.
Host fundraisers. Ensure profits are sent to Shadow Your Future’s executive team.
Create and manage social media accounts for your chapter.
Complete biannual reports.